Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Battlefield 1: In the Name of the Tsar Calvary Class changes include more cooperative horses

DICE is making improvements to the Calvary unit in Battlefield 1, just in time for the release of In the Name of the Tsar expansion this September.

One of this major changes coming to Battlefield 1 is how horses will handle. According to Westie, in the video above, movement and control will be improved. No longer will the player’s equine friend act soured to the point its movements are clunky, which in real life is a rather annoying attitude problem.

Cavalry also be able to reload and sprint on the horse at the same time when the expansion is released. There will be a new option to switch between toggle or a hold for horse sprinting.

This is great news considering the Russian DLC will feature a heavier focus on horse combat. In the Name of Tsar, players will be able to ride with the Hussar cavalry alongside a new weapon: the Calvary Lance. Players will be able to use this lance while making use of an “evolved horse move set.”

The Brusilov Offensive taking place on the map Galicia will see the Russian Empire trying to push back the Austro-Hungarian forces. Here, is where the Calvary Unit will make a stand in the Russian countryside, but the open map will also focus on infantry and light vehicles. Hopefully, the improvements made to horseback will come in handy in this instance.

More improvements are in the works to make jumping over obstacles while on horseback more consistent. At present, the horse is only able to make a jump every 2.5 seconds and if the player is trying to jump over “several obstacles very quickly,” this poses a problem.

DICE’s gameplay programmer who is working on the horse and lance features for In the Name of Tsar said he’s unable to say when the jump mechanic will be resolved, but it is very high on the list of improvements to make.

Westie goes over more of the Calvary class changes coming to the game in the video posted above, so if you are a Battlefield 1 player you may want to give it watch.

Again, the Russian DLC expansion for Battlefield will be released in September.

Battlefield 1: In the Name of the Tsar Calvary Class changes include more cooperative horses posted first on pipervictor.blogspot.com

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