Friday, March 31, 2017

300th Episode Spectacular - The TouchArcade Show #300

Ahhhh sorry for missing last week's episode of the podcast, but we're back and better than ever with our 300th episode. That's nearly six years of weekly podcastin', which is pretty crazy to think about. We kick off this week's show with what I've been doing the last couple weeks, the wild scale of esports, and the Hearthstone tournament. Games played on this episode include Death Road to Canada [$7.99], Gangstar New Orleans [Free], Meganoid 2017 [$3.99], Climb! [$1.99], Bethesda Pinball [Free], and Ballz [Free].

Don't forget to shoot us emails with any questions, feedback, or anything else relevant or irrelevant to We read 'em all, and love decoding messages written entirely in emoji. As always, you can listen to us with the links below... And if you like what you hear, please subscribe and/or drop us a review in iTunes. Much appreciated!

Patreon backers get access to a ultra-rad video version of the podcast (you can get a taste of what they're like above), which you can view by clicking here. It includes us playing the games we're talking about as we're talking about them, and other fun surprises.

iTunes Link: The TouchArcade Show
Stitcher: The TouchArcade Show via Stitcher Radio for Podcasts [Free]
RSS Feed: The TouchArcade Show
Direct Link: TouchArcadeShow-300.mp3, 65MB

300th Episode Spectacular - The TouchArcade Show #300 posted first on

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